We met Noah Carter for the first time in Milan, just a day before our The New Northern Soul event, a project curated by C41 and WP Store. That afternoon it was not the typical Winter day, and it was just perfect for a shooting.
The New Northern Soul: Noah Carter
We met Noah Carter for the first time in Milan, just a day before our The New Northern Soul event, a project curated by C41 and WP Store. That afternoon we were all together – Leone, Patrizia, Alberto, Alice, Emma and I – representing C41 Magazine and WP teams. We met in an unusual location close to our offices. It was sunny outside, not the typical Winter day, and it was just perfect for a shooting. Everything went smoothly. The receptionist at Coconut Hostel was very friendly and kind with us. He offered me a glass of water – I had a really dry throat after eating a take-away pizza with Noah at lunch – and, once Alberto fixed up Noah’s styling details, Leone started taking pictures at him hanging around the Coconut’s different and unique spots. This is the result of the editorial shooting, inspired by the classic Northern Soul movement, re-contestualized and re-imagined under a new concept, since we are not in England, Noah is a Scandinavian artist and he has got such a warm soul that reflects into his music too.

C41, creative production company
Leone, photographer
Alberto Panocchi, styling